A reminder - I have to watch these instead of playing them cuz my computer has been kapoot for the last three or so years :( It's unclear whether this is in the same Shelter Philip finds and if it's before the game (im pretty certain it is but u never know), but I don't know much because it absolutely terrified me the first ten minutes or so in. Plus it just started getting really freaking confusing and i needed the time to sit down and pay attention, which I didn't have last time I was into penumbra. Has Philip and Clarence, the archaic's unethical science, a rescue team maybe, weird alien shenanigans? Tbh I haven't been able to watch all the way through because it looks like different people played different updates and just that changes a lot.
ALRIGHT my brain decided to work and I've realized that i might not know abt all the penumbra mods out there so! Here's a list of what I know, I'll update with links to 100% playthroughs as i find them (only saying that cuz just recently I think I might've found one for necrologue)